• info@dtosd.com
  • +218 931730509

APPLICATIONS Related to Falcon


  • Highway toll collection/speed enforcement
  • Vehicle access control/entrance admission
  • Vehicle theft prevention/detection
  • Traffic monitoring/bus lane or red light enforcement
  • State border surveillance/security monitoring
  • Public/private car park management/automation
  • Airport/harbor cargo management/control

  • An innovative technology for toll collection, traffic surveillance, traffic management, and many other projects where accuracy, speed and automation are essential objectives. The core technology is especially designed and developed to be easily integrated into complex, intelligent traffic applications due to its outstanding technology, its high accuracy rate, the speed of image processing and its adaptability.

    The software can execute continuous license plate reading even at vehicle speeds of up to 250 km/h. This feature is especially important in convicting speed limit violators or for use in automatic toll collection projects, just to mention a few.